The head and neck include some of our body’s most vital organs, which can be especially susceptible to tumors and cancer. In addition to cancers of the head and neck, ENT specialists treat neck masses, Grave’s disease, and more.
Bell’s palsy occurs when the facial nerve is damaged by pressure or swelling and does not work properly, resulting in paralysis (weakness) and distortions of the face.
Burning mouth syndrome, also known as glossodynia, refers to pain or a hot, burning sensation in the mouth or oral cavity.
Dry mouth syndrome, also known as xerostomia, is very common and affects up to 30 percent of the population.
Fine needle aspiration (FNA), also called fine needle biopsy, is a type of biopsy where a needle is inserted into a lump or mass to collect a sample of cells.
Graves’ disease causes the thyroid gland to become overactive. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body fights against itself and causes the thyroid gland to become overactive.
Each year, more than 55,000 Americans will develop cancer of the head and neck (most of which is preventable). Nearly 13,000 will die from cancer of the head and neck.
HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a sexually transmitted virus. It is not transmitted through casual contact.
Nasopharyngeal cancer occurs most frequently in people from southern China, southeast Asia, and northern Africa, but does occur in the United States.
A neck mass may be a sign of an infection, or it may indicate a serious medical condition.
Oral lichen planus is a disease of chronic inflammation in the mouth. It affects one to two percent of adults, usually after the age of 40.
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is an uncommon condition caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that affects roughly 2,000 people in the US.
Sialadenitis is inflammation and enlargement of one or more of the salivary (spit) glands.
Skin cancer is a disease in which cancerous (malignant) cells are found in the outer layers of your skin.
“TMJ” pain is a common occurrence for many people, and it refers to pain or discomfort in the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ).
Bell’s palsy occurs when the facial nerve is damaged by pressure or swelling and does not work properly, resulting in paralysis (weakness) and distortions of the face.
A neck mass is an abnormal lump in the neck. Neck lumps or masses can be any size, large enough to see and feel, or very small.
Skin cancer is a disease in which cancerous (malignant) cells are found in the outer layers of your skin.
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Copyright 2025. American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation